Socare Award
Since 2019, Socare e.V. has offered a biannual prize for dissertations in the field of Caribbean studies in the social sciences, humanities or cultural studies.
The aim is to promote early-career researchers. In particular, innovative as well as inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches are to be honoured and thus presented to a wider academic and general public. Entries may be in German, English, Spanish or French.
Application requirements are a strong Caribbean focus of the work, and a viva completed within the last 24 months before 1 October of the application year. Both personal and external applica-tions are possible. Membership of Socare e.V. is not a prerequisite for participation. The closing date for applications is 1 October of each odd-numbered year.
Documents should be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) with the application. Please send the following to Dissertation, tabular resume, summary of the dis-sertation, two dissertation reviews.
The review procedure has two stages. Recognised experts in the respective subject areas will eval-uate the entries, followed by the final selection of the award-winning work by the Executive Board. The Board will make its decision based on the expert opinions. The evaluation will be carried out by two experts who will be appointed from among the Socare e.V. advisory board and the honorary members, if possible. The evaluation is in two parts, a concise, freely worded text and a standard-ised template. The association reserves the right to suspend the award for substantial reasons.
The Socare Award comes with a prize money of 1000 Euros and one year’s free membership in Socare e.V.
The Socare Award and the winning entry will be presented at the following Socare e.V. Conference.
Applications and queries should be sent to: